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Be Brain Fit For Work and Life! Summit

I’ve been charting my journey regarding the Brain Health: Be Brain Fit For Work and Life Summit that I am pulling together. Not realising that the month of May has Mental Health Awareness week within it - as informed by my Coach!…I ended up being grateful for the unexpected change!!

I am just glad that I eventually accepted the change of month that I was persuaded to consider - as I had been stuck on having it in April!! Why!!? April was the month that I experienced the brain injury and therefore see April as my 2nd birthday month!!!

It was because of this association that I nearly went ahead with the summit ready or not, quality or not, the right and enough speakers or not!??

Its good to surround yourself with quality people - people who have your back, people who care enough to make you question your thoughts and plans…almost like an accountability partner!! To be honest I have a few core ‘accountability partners’ -they don’t know that that’s a role that I use our friendship/relationship for…but it’s been crucial for me!! Yet I say that…but my first change…before I could see and use these relationships in this way was for me to do some inner work that is:

1) accept who I was 2) accept what had happened 3) accept the things I could do and those I now needed more support with (that’s still a work progress) 4) have a purpose…strive for something Big 5) Believe For It!!!…believe and work towards that bing thing!!!!

It is these 5 steps that have brought me to this point!! I am now so pleased that the Brain Health: Be Brain Fit For Work and Life Summit is happening!!!

#IChoose to accept who I am right now!

#IChoose to accept responsibility for how I respond to anything and everything that comes my way!…self inflicted OR NOT!!

#IChoose to Believe For It…this summit will be more than I can imagine!!

Register, show up and learn how YOU can take care of the health of your brain at my virtual summit!


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