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Brain Fit For Work & Life Summit:13/05/22!

Updated: May 1, 2022

Talk about a mix of emotions...

Today - regarding my Brain Fit For Work and Life Summit - I am very near the finish line and proud of myself so far.

Putting this event together has been a real mix of emotions and self appraisals along with it. The questions, battles, denials and self-sabotaging thoughts all ganged up on my mind! The battles were enough to make me feel like an imposter...a fake...unworthy and unable to follow through and make this summit happen!

Yet, despite not having all the speakers that I desired, not having the support that I assumed would be easy to get hold of, not having that consistent positive mindset of an achiever and an overcomer that I thought would come to me naturally and immediately when faced with challenges...blah...blah...blah...the Brain Fit For Life summit is live!!

The quality of speakers: the knowledge and experience that they will share, as well as emphasising the importance of maintaining ones #BrainHealth and knowing how to #LoveYourBrainin in addition to where we are with brain injury services in relation to the NHS - I am humbled.

We all need to pay attention to our brain health! #BrainHealthIntervention activities all need to be invested in at work and at home!...and its coming! I am on a mission to make Brain Health intervention activities/holidays/team building exercises etc. as common as statutory holidays in the work place!

Until then - as long as we are alive - we all must #LoveOurBrain and be actively #BrainHealth conscious!

Join me and my guest speakers to understand and know more about how we can look after, take care of and love our brains...and more!

#IChoose to love my brain

#IChoose to take care of my brain

#IChoose to attend this informative and brain health transforming summit on 13th May 2022


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