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I Believed For It!...Now More Is Happening!

I’m pinching myself as this week has been quite an amazing one!

A few weeks ago the Director of the Acquired Brain Injury Foundation who has also been supporting the MP, Chris Bryant with the development of the Acquired Brain Injury Strategy, asked if I’d be interested in joining the Patient and Public Voice Reference Group (PPVRG) for the Governments Acquired Brain Injury Strategy!….Errrrr is that a question??? Was my first thought!

I almost screamed!!…

Ok let me be real...I yelled!!!

This was an opportunity that had come my way and ticked all my life purpose boxes in terms of using my brain injury experience for the good of others. This is what I had been believing for! I believed for it!

I believed that I must and will be that impact maker for those who feel invisible and buried within the crowd - yet I did not know how or when!

I believed that I must be that voice to the unheard, the ignored or the overlooked - yet I did not know how!

I believed that I must stand and be that pillar of strength, having that presence that confronts their invisible self, always fighting to be seen and scrambling to have their views heard and considered... - yet I did not know how!

Until I realised that I had something that I could use. I saw and read many peoples experience of a brain injury that resonated so strongly! I had to use my experience for the good that I chose to gain and glean from it! I had to choose to use it for my good otherwise life would be even more unbearable than it does at times till today! I chose to dig deep and find the gift in this brain injury experience. I chose to seek the gift in the adversity I had been dealt!

The brain injury experience.

It sounds odd right??

But yes, I am grateful that this experience that I am now living through is an opportunity to speak, engage and be spoken to by an array of incredible, interesting, intelligent and mind blowing people!

Thanks to Chloe Hayward, Director of Acquired Brain Injury UK Charity and Convener of the Patient and Public Voice Reference Group for the Governments Acquired Brain Injury Strategy) my views and experience that I had and continue to air primarily through my blogs ( will now be raised at a national level (through the PPVRG) and contribute to the development of the Acquired Brain Injury Strategy for the government.

I'm smiling with glee!

I therefore daily, am committed to taking responsibility of my every day and everything that happens in my day!

#IChoose to fight my way though my insecurities AND win!

#IChoose to focus on what I have in front of me and enjoy the incredible opportunities I am in...and still coming my way!

#IChoose to be content through every circumstance!! (a daily fight...but iWin!)

More is coming! I remain expectant!

With Gratitude



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