The Be Brain Fit For Work and Life Summit was much more than I expected! I am so grateful for the commitment, detail and graphic explanations given by the neurologists and the Brain Aneurysm Charity Directors - again Thank You so much! To all those that attended, the engagement and questions asked were testaments to your eagerness to understand and learn more about the brain, brain health and brain injuries (such as brain aneurysms).
Now its time to actively do something about what your heard...
#FlipTheScript on what you have been doing to/for your brain (which is probable not a lot) and lets have a chat about what you can be doing on a daily basis to improve the health of your brain.
Love Your Brain!
Make the health of your brain your top priority...
What will you do without it!
Book your discovery call now!
Lets love our brain together.
Book now so we can set up a personal programme that will improve the health of your brain. As a Brain Warrior (Survivor) it is my strongest desire and aim to promote Brain Health until I can no longer! Our brain is like the memory of a computer...what can you do without it? Ponder... and as you ponder book your discovery call!
Looking forward to hearing from you
With Much Gratitude