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The 'BE'... Series

The last blog I wrote was at the end of September 2020. Ironically I had talked about seasons not knowing that I was entering a new season myself. I took a few weeks off from blogging to reflect and muse over the purpose of my blogs and how to move things forward. So grateful that I did that and didn't just continue for the sake of continuing!

What is funny is that in those weeks of not blogging, I initiated contact with Chris Bryant - an MP for Rhondda, a former Minister and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Acquired Brain Injury. I have had a number of discussions with a Senior Lecturer/Clinical Neuropsychologist Consultant regarding what and how my story can be used to teach, share and learn. On top of all of that I have had a conversation with the owner of a magazine who will be featuring my story in the magazine. All these discussions are around brain injury, my experience and my story. In fact all these engagements have been wooooooow conversations - conversations that can materialise into practical actions/outputs that can improve/support others that have no choice but to go along a similar journey as myself! I will keep you updated on how these conversations progress - but be sure that my experience will be used for improvements in the brain injury sector - starting with the NHS.

All of that aside (for now), I have decided to focus on running and talking about a series that I am launching. The series is called 'BE'...

BE = is a verb used to describe something or someone. A state of BEing!

Starting with BEgin! Each series will last a week and I will post blogs, captions, quotes etc. all related to that series and my journey so far. I will walk through my wins, my struggles and my turning points! Honestly and candidly I will share on that topic trusting that someone somewhere will receive strength, encouragement and comfort that they are not on their own and that they can come through whatever they are going though #...AndWin!

No-one will be left behind! We are in this together!

So, what do I want to #BEgin? Now this may sound funny and even odd to you, but since the Brain Aneurysm that I encountered (go to for full details) I have not been able to remember a single phone number beyond my own! So I want to train myself to start remembering phone numbers beyond my own. My tag line on this is to #RepeatToRemember and that's what I am going to do. I have chosen the mobile number that I need to remember and I will write the phone number next to me and at least every 2 hours (thank you Alexa for reminding me) test my memory. I aim to remember x1 new mobile number by the end of this week (081120). #BringItOn!!!

#I Choose to Repeat to Remember

#I Choose to stretch my capacity to remember by remembering more - step by step

#I Choose to commit to blogging, posting or sharing something at least once a week

#I Choose to change my season by following through on my commitments

#I Choose to never remain stagnant but to BE and BEgin...!





Gifting Adversity


Annabel Aaron




© 2024 by  Annabel  Aaron

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