I started off today’s blog by sharing a challenge that I am facing whilst learning something new. However I’ve decided to turn it on its head by saying that I am grateful that as I go through the pain of learning something new it will work out in my favour in the end!
So, for me to start a new routine, learn a new skill or simply take steps to do something different, it is a challenge for me! A challenge that I have determined to rise up to every time I find myself needing to go beyond myself in whatever capacity.
At the start of the Corona Virus pandemic, I had made up my mind to come out better than before it started. The reason for this conscious decision was because I could see a pattern forming regarding work. My contract was reduced from 5 days to 2 days and then not renewed as originally intended because of the uncertainty of when things would return back to ‘normal’. At that moment I also heard John Maxwell cite a quote by Albert Einstein. He said,
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunities“!
As I pondered on that quote, it made me realise that to find an opportunity in this season would therefore require me to take action, action through seeking, searching and/or starting something, anything that I have an interest in. Thus birthed my blog - Gifting Adversity! #IAmGrateful #IChoose.
This blog is like a gift to me. To start and follow-through on anything is a challenge. Not because I don’t want to! But because I need to remember to and that at times...in fact most of the times is a challenge! Yet, I haven’t missed a week where I haven’t posted at least 2 blogs which has been my intention. I’m being kind to myself as advised by all those who keep telling me to ’give myself a break!’ 😃 and acknowledge what I have achieved so far.
Yet, permit me to say...there is more! It’s so easy to be put in a box and kept there! Family and friends have good intentions! I even do it to myself at times...but THERE IS MORE TO ME! Like toothpaste, I know that I need a little pressure placed on me and what is within (which at times I haven’t even acquainted with) will come out and show up beautifully!
I have proven that I can commit and be consistent with this new skill of blogging and I desire to stretch myself further! Although I’m still learning and searching why I can do this with somethings and not others!
Excuses no longer allowed!!
I want to learn another new skill! In fact I have started and it’s proving to be even more stretching than I had assumed. But you know what - in spite of it requiring time, effort, energy and intelligence - again I rise up to the challenge!!
I may shout, be shouted at, annoyed, be annoying, frustrated, be frustrating and honestly may even need to be told the same thing more than once!! But I know in my heart of hearts I will get there. In fact:
#iChoose to be and do more than my typical self.
#iChoose to invest in my growth.
#iChoose to enjoy the process of stretching myself so that I can be the best ever version of myself.
#iChoose to smile and go through all my challenges knowing that growth will be experienced in the process!
That’s great to hear Eva. Please share what you learn/experience as a result.xx
Brilliant write up I am learning alot and transfering your nuggets to myself