11 years ago, on 1st April 2010 I experienced a brain aneurysm. The fact that I am alive today is a miracle. For 10 years since my aneurysm I have been isolating myself from the world- Yes self imposed isolation based on the injuries and the emotional war that I was not prepared for or warned about. But on 1st April 2020, I woke up, faced myself in the mirror and said to myself " Today #Ichoose Life".
I started a blog, and let it all out (from the perspective of a survivor). The response has been incredible and what has moved me the most is how others who have walked in my shoes from all over the world have reached out and are now finding a voice. At the beginning of this year I created and published my FIRST journal - 'Today IChoose'. But thats not what this post is about. This post is about my FIRST Virtual Summit on #BrainAneurysm to be held on April 23rd and 24th 2021 and I would like to personally invite you or anyone you know who may benefit from it. You will hear from neuropsychologists, neuro-nurses and us - the brain injury and brain aneurism survivors.
I am so excited...I really cannot hide it! Register now to join me next week on the 23rd-24th April:
Come and listen to how overcoming the challenges such as a brain injury (specifically a brain aneurysm) can be conquered as well as the challenges.
Our voices will be heard! Our presence will be felt!
Our experience shall inspire you to be grateful and to give no more room for excuses!
Register NOW!